Saturday, February 18, 2012


Who knew there was a place dedicated to search for blogs?! I sure didn't. 

When I went to Technorati's blog directory, I didn't know what to expect. 

There are major categories and within those big categories, there are sub-categories. For example, entertainment, business, sports, politics, autos, technology, living, green, and science are represented someway. The categories that are well represented are entertainment, business, politics, technology, and living. The categories that are lacking compared to those categories are sports, autos, green, and science.

I searched the blogs for "books." I got 11 results out of the 1193066 blogs on the site. I was surprised that I only got that many results. When I searched blog posts for "books" I got 1129 results about books.  It is interesting to see the difference of searching the blogs versus the blog posts. I think it depends on how the blogs define themselves and the tags on the blog posts give more results.

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