Saturday, February 18, 2012

Library 2.0 Article

While reading this article, I realized that adapting to technological change is how libraries will survive. I am not a librarian or an educator, but I do enjoy books and getting information to the masses in the best ways possible. I think that school libraries need to stay true to themselves, but at the same time, they must adapt to their environment nowadays (kids that won't put technology down). 

It is imperative that these kids learn how to be information literate in all forms. Sometimes I think that we are becoming so dependent on technology, that we forget how to do a simple task. For example, why would someone haul a huge dictionary to a table when he or she could simply search for the word or term online? I do that all the time. I am not saying that technology is bad, but I believe that students need to know how to use reference materials and other library materials without technology.

I liked what Christopher Harris said about librarians new interaction with people, "Consequently, librarians, while still based in the media center, will interact more directly with students as well as their teacher peers in new spaces." Library 2.0 is a good thing for librarians to teach the students new ways to engage in learning and finding information. 

Harris writes about how the library does not need to get rid of the traditional values, but just adapt to the new 2.0 skills that work best with the library they are part of. Harris ends his article with a "2.0 Primer" with ideas and websites on how to adapt to the new ways. I think he has some good thoughts about learning 2.0.

I find it funny that this article was published online and instead of printing it out and reading it that way, I simply read it online. Oh how times have changed!

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