Monday, April 9, 2012

Learning 2.0 Master

Woo hoo! I am a learning 2.0 master!

I really enjoyed learning about all the "things" that can be done to improve our online presence and to have fun.

With my new job, I use Twitter to tweet what I accomplish. I never thought I would use Twitter, but it's a great way to push information to various people (just make sure you have followers and use the # and @ symbols correctly). I still love blogging with Google and Wordpress and getting information out to everyone. Google Docs are one of my favorite things to use. I use them every single day and have a lot of collections/folders in my account.

I think that Wordle is really fun to use to make word clouds from tags or just words you manually type in. I like Skype because it keeps me connected with my family in Washington and in other cities.

I really enjoyed learning and refreshing my mind with online tools. It has been a great experience and I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Google Docs - FORMS

I love using Google Docs! It is so simple once you figure out how to use it. Here is a survey that I would appreciate if you would take the time to participate. Thanks!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wordle - Tag Clouds

I really like Wordle! It is so fun to use. And you can pick and choose the colors and fonts you want to use for your tag cloud. Pretty neat huh?

I used the option of using the tags from a blog. I used the School Library Monthly Blog.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I have listened to a lot of podcasts, but I have never made one myself. It's weird listening to myself talk.

I found a cool website that does podcasts about books that could be beneficial for a school library to listen to in order to find new books for the library.The 2011/2012 Isinglass Booktalk Podcasts are pretty cool. It is a real project that Hopkinton High School & Hopkinton Middle School Library students have been part of. 

The website says, "Welcome to our Library's podcast series. We chose Isinglass booktalks because the Isinglass Teen Read Award is such a great project. It is real! Actual 7th & 8th graders (as opposed to their parents, teachers, or their librarians...) nominate the books, read the books, and choose the winner each year. Our hats are off to the Barrington Public Library, Amy Inglis, and the teens who have spearheaded this effort since 2002."

I listened to the booktalk for Matched by Ally Condie. You can listen to it here. I've read the book and agreed with most of what the podcast stated. Overall, I learned that podcasting is a great way to get out information to a lot of people. And it is nice because it is a break from reading. In one of my classes, we got to listen to NPR stories instead of reading. It's nice to have multiple ways to learn about a subject. Plus, with NPR, there is usually a transcription of the story as well as the audio.

I like subscribing to podcasts via iTunes. One of my favorite podcasts I subscribe to is Stuff You Should Know by How Stuff Works. It is all about random facts and I love learning about random things. This podcast also gives you a great way to start conversations with random facts.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I really like YouTube (for the most part). I actually posted a holiday song video from YouTube every single day in December on my personal blog (if you want to check it out, let me know). Another video website is Vimeo. It's pretty cool as well.

This video is for "libraries of the future" and even though it's on the long side, it brings up a good point that libraries need to stay on top of technology in order to be successful. It starts with a 1950s movie about libraries and then moves into a parody by Mr. Eugene Oregon. Libraries will still be needed, maybe not for the same use, but are still important.

This video brings me back to my childhood. It's from Arthur and it's pretty funny. But you know, "having fun isn't hard, when you've got a library card!" It's a catchy song.