Monday, February 6, 2012

Skype Me!

Skype is a neat way to stay in contact with your loved ones, but it is also a great way to bring in guest speakers or chat with another colleague. Skype is fun to play around with and especially for me, since I am far from my hometown, it is a great way to see my parents and talk to them.

Perhaps a cool idea would be to have people that cannot make it into the library for story time or reading time and use Skype for them to see and hear the kids. I also think that Skype would be beneficial for a kid if they are stuck at home with a contagious disease, but can still learn. Skype would alleviate the contagious disease but also let the kid learn!

I think back to when I was growing up, and instant messaging was all the rage. Now it is video calling via Skype or another video conferencing program. Skype would be a great way to include those that are not usually included in a lesson. You can also employ the instant messaging with Skype. It is pretty cool.

Another point for Skype is that you can call phones from the program (if you pay a subscription fee).

So, download Skype and get calling.

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