Monday, April 9, 2012

Learning 2.0 Master

Woo hoo! I am a learning 2.0 master!

I really enjoyed learning about all the "things" that can be done to improve our online presence and to have fun.

With my new job, I use Twitter to tweet what I accomplish. I never thought I would use Twitter, but it's a great way to push information to various people (just make sure you have followers and use the # and @ symbols correctly). I still love blogging with Google and Wordpress and getting information out to everyone. Google Docs are one of my favorite things to use. I use them every single day and have a lot of collections/folders in my account.

I think that Wordle is really fun to use to make word clouds from tags or just words you manually type in. I like Skype because it keeps me connected with my family in Washington and in other cities.

I really enjoyed learning and refreshing my mind with online tools. It has been a great experience and I highly recommend it.

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