Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lifelong Learning

Lori Reed's Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners allows us to view a slideshow on how to become better learners.

She discusses the seven and half habits of lifelong learners which are as follows...
Habit 1 : Begin with the end in mind
Habit 2 : Accept responsibility for your own learning
Habit 3 : View problems as challenges
Habit 4 : Have confidence in your as a competent, effective learner
Habit 5 : Create your own learning toolbox
Habit 6 : Use technology to your advantage
Habit 7 : Teach/mentor others
Habit 7 1/2 : Play!

I love learning and that's one of the reasons why I decided to go to graduate school. The habits that come easily to me are the following...

Habit 1 : Begin with the end in mind
I like knowing where I am going and how I am going to get there. Of course, I am always learning and changing my ways, but knowing the "end result" helps me direct the process.

Habit 2 : Accept responsibility for your own learning
I am responsible for myself and what I do in my life. I react to my surroundings but they do not define me. I learn because I want to, not because I have to.

Habit 3 : View problems as challenges
This habit is easy, yet difficult for me. I like being challenged, but at the same time when I first hear or read the problem, I automatically think about everything that could go wrong. I guess I need to be more positive in my outlook of challenges.

Habit 4 : Have confidence in your as a competent, effective learner
Confidence is something that I have to work on. I know I can do a lot of things, but I usually have to build my confidence up before I can accomplish the task. I am constantly working on this habit.

Habit 5 : Create your own learning toolbox
I would like to say I have my own learning toolbox, but I don't know if I do to be honest. I have certain ways I learn and things I like to use while I learn. But I am always adding to it and taking things away.

Habit 6 : Use technology to your advantage
Technology is great. I like to use it as much as I can, but sometimes it is difficult to use it correctly. This is another habit that I need to work on.

Habit 7 : Teach/mentor others
This habit is very important to lifelong learning. I like how I can learn by teaching someone something I learned before. It solidifies the concept and allows me to serve others.

Habit 7 1/2 : Play!
When you work hard, you should take time to play and relax. I always need a few hours or a day when I can just take a mental vacation and let my brain take a rest. I usually end up reading or designing something. 

I always am learning and always will learn. I never want to stop learning, even if it is just random facts.

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